Really good game, tons of fun. But I have to critic a few things. I understand the difficulty of making art for every variations of Bennett's TF, but I feel like the TF is a bit underwhelming because we have so few chances to actually see the changes we've done. Also, little thing, but critical, I think the skip button needs to be a bit faster, just imagining redoing the first 4 chapters later is a headache. Finally, more of a statement, I wish I'd waited before picking this game up. What's there is really cool awesome work, but I feel like there's not enough meat on the bone yet, the way the current content ends is just unsatisfying. Also, I just have to say it like everyone here, but art for the few and spaced out sex/ecchi scenes would go a long way. I don't wanna end on a bad note for such a huge and cool project so I'll add that the story is a mysterious one, full of twists and turns. If you like theorizing along with the cast about their situation, you'll have a good time.