Dead Rails but I KILL EVERYTHING Challenge (Roblox)
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Today on Dead Rails ROBLOX, I kill everything. there will be no survivors, and I cure the zombie virus.
Game: https:/
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I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox!
What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on Roblox is designed and constructed by members of the community. Roblox is designed for 8 to 18-year-olds, but it is open to people of all ages. By participating and by building cool stuff, Roblox members can earn specialty badges as well as Roblox currency called robux/premium currency. They can use robux/premium currency to shop at the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories
Also known as Dead Rails Genocide route.
"The only thing that is still surviving is me, so now i need to reset" -Blorpy
It's true genocide
imagine they add anti-pacifist quest just tomorrow and blorp has to do it again 💀
that’s called a genocide
Genocide quest
Yeah but didn't blorpy not kill those werewolves at night
@@Lifehater322 bro they despawn at day he also Said it in the video
btw a tip for the werewolves is that if you're by your train you can just go outside the cabin and stand in the center of the cart that the train carries, because for some reason werewolves climb the train but then just stand on the side rails and dont try to get you. If you stand in the perfect spot, all the werewolves that spawn afterwards dont chase you either, they just stay where they spawned
just stay in the driver’s place they will not come to you
@@vnm2596 yeah
I got a challenge for ya mate...get a noob(idc who is he friend,random) and protect him till u finish the game,and if he dies once...u lose
Great idea 💡
He should bring me😂
That's just thr unkillable chalange but in due lol
This is actually not a bad idea I think Blorp should do it
Woke up and chose Omnicide. Impressive editing skills, this was entertaining to watch throughout! That’s admittedly pretty hard to do for a video like this. Kudos to you my friend 🙃
New Challenge dare - change day to night and night to day basically change everything you do at morning to night time and change everything you do during night time to morning, also I recommend you use miner class as you will always have a light during night time
Amazing content! Can’t wait to see more! 🌟🎮
Protect the conductor.
1. Conductor can not die.
2. Lobby can be as big as you like.
3. Others can pick the class they want.
4. You or 1 other person must be the class "Conductor".
5. Once you die, game over.
6. If everyone else dies. You lose because it's PROTECT the CONDUCTOR.
7. You can use gamepasses.
Got anymore rules? Tell me and spread the message.
8. No reviving conductor
@@AmirrurRahman-eb2zlits already the first rule.
Quest or whatever idea: You cannot buy anything, only by raiding or just murder
Thank you so much for taking your time and editing such a long Video👍🏻 but ending was pretty sad poor horsy😞 and now take time for yourself before you go insane😅
Lets go another video!
Love the videos Blorpy! Hopefully you hit 100k subscribers
he will, trust me.
2:36 when he looks right he misses a wolf
i don’t see any thing
@@IanWalters-c1qit’s far away
Probably a cactus
wolves spawn in packs, I disagree
😅27:33 bro missed one😂
Could you do a challenge where you beat dead rails by only looting houses with no names (like you Cant loot gunsmiths,Doctors,Etc)
0:50 steve being jackblack xd
"You are filled with determination to annihilate EVERYTHING"
I have a challenge for dead rails: You can’t use any melee or guns but can only use Molotovs ,holy water,cross and your own train
I always watch your nice vids and i also enjoy it! Hope you get 50k subs :D
Best Dead rails youtuber
36:47 hey blorpy you missed an alive horse in the right…
u mean 36:46
Js let him have his win😭
@@VihaanAgarwal-j5u nope it’s 36:47 I think.
Yay! Love watching your videos❤❤
Hey! I really like your videos. I have a challenge for you!! Can you try beating the game with only using newspapers to defend your train?
ʞo ƃuᴉop noʎ ǝɹ∀ (Turn phone upside down)
dead rails guns only, but max sensitivity.
NO MELEE. (molotovs/holy water are allowed)
also another idea. dead rails but no/only looting places.
if its no places you can only use corpses as fuel and money. i know im evil >:)
mini challenge: beat tesla with no funny lightning gun
Bro no😭😭✌️
Have him as zombie class for no looting
That’s a sick challenge bro
my challenge is more evil
39:07 The way he killed his horse just makes me sad😢😢😢poor horsey😭😭
Same in my opinion he didn’t have to kill the horse I wouldn’t be mad if he didn’t so I say the horse should have lived but we can’t do anything about it it’s already happened
he had too 💔
but it dosent justify it.. 😢
Wth is this glitch I’m in another RUclipsr video put I’m in this chat
I just found your videos it's so good I hope you're having a good day :D
I realy hope that they add that chalange to the game like a genocide chalange thingy it will be fun to do plus it would be pretty easy if ya have a team of 4 or 5, u will be able to clear everything pretty fast
I told you i liked your content (and i'll ask the same question : what's the best class?)
There’s a reload glitch with the rifle, u just spam shoot and reload
No matter what you upload it’s still goated
“How you doing horsie?” the horse sitting there staring into space wondering how they got into this.
Another W blorp upload
Hi blorp I was doing the pony express challenge (I failed) but halfway my inventory glitch and I thought that would be a pretty cool challenge, go into your inventory put your crosshair away and beat the game without a crosshair would be fun to watch
I can feel his pain on his hand and his frustration
36:47 he didnt kill a horse on the right side
I saw it too
Just so you know, you can spam shoot and reload on any gun besides Mauser, so it shoots at the same rate as two rifles, and it has infinite bullets as long as you have some
This is called the hunter challenge I think it’s where you kill every passive and aggressive creature and you could kill friendly creatures if want but don’t have to
Hey blorp THE MINECRAFT MOVIE its coming on 4 march in only iMax so hurry DONT miss it
missed a horse at 36:48
Erm you mean 36:47
He killed it, it just didn't ragdoll
@Mikaelbarcena no but they fall over when they die unlike wolves
@Toast_Guy44 36:34 look at this idiot.
@@Toast_Guy44 36:34 check for yourself.
An idea for a challenge could be like if the noob dies you lose
Blorp is the best and thank you for playing with me
Pro tip 100%: if you shoot and reload it takes like 0.5 seconds and you can shoot immediately after
Good to know
I think he hates you btw are you the one who commented on the vampire video the pain challenge?
Bro did the psychopath run, absolutely time consuming torture.
Your so underrated bro, your videos are awesome!
Two hours in always making good vids love them and hope your channel grows larger than it I now
12 mins always a good day when blorpy uploads
I feel like me and my friends do this challenge literally every attempt LOL
new challenge: ur not allowed to buy or sell ANYTHING, ur only allowed to burn things (newspapers, zombies, vampires, horses, wolves, werewolves, chairs, ropes, barrels, etc…)
I’m gonna be honest blorpy is the only good dead rails yt channel
All npcs is gonna start their villan arc on u
The effort Blorp puts in his videos is crazy like bro needs more views
How are you gonna know when one is left? What if u missed one the axiety is too high😔
21:33 its actually better now since u wont have to buy another gun, now u can do it with 1 gun, all u need to do is spam r fast while shooting (works with every gun)
You can actually use the zombies as a fuel! And the cowboys you can go to the sheriff and put their body and you will have some money :) idk if you know this but i'll put it here + i really love this video so much! I'll keep watching your videos forever!!❤
+ you can sell vempires bodies and you can only have 15 -.-
Okay i watched the full video.. i just relize you knew it😢-
He has a challenge video using zombies as fuel only
No shit
If ur not a dead rails player this is for you
@@Lifehater322i'm new
The golden statue at 15:30 is now called Belle. (You don't have to wait to reload, just put it down and bring it back up :3)
Oh my god,I swear to god I wanted to do a video called doing the genocide challenge it you made it first
The second wave of Calvary only spawns when you loot the armory, not when you loot something.
bro u left a horse behind
I have a challenge idea
Dead rails but you drop items from your inventory when you take damage
In this, everytime you take damage, you have to drop a random item from your inventory. Id say that before the challenge, make a random papers with numbers from 1-10 a lot of times, and bunch then up and randomly take 1 everytime you take damage, and drop that item and leave. For example, if a zombie hits you, you gotta pick out a random number from the bunch, imagine you got 3, so you gotta drop the 3rd item from your hotbar. Y ou can also make more random papers which would make you drop stuff from your sack or drop your horse.
Imagine they add a "Killer" quest, it would give you 100 bonds and you have to kill every enemy you see
The lines are really blurry on this challenge so I don't think it would happen
dead rails, but you can only take out zombies, sounds wierd, but if a werewolf attacks you, you either run, or lure it to an outpost, same with wolves, and outlows, (also horses if your evil)
11:30The whole water is amazing as a weapon, but I also wish you can drink it and like you can have some type of God like power for like 30 - 18 seconds or it can also be an healing item and probably could be better than snake oil
you don't normally drink holy water
for the towns, just attract the zombies and then climb the stage thing, they wont be able to reach you as long as there arent alot of them and you aren't near the stairs.
just like that, use your shovel and boom, free kills
Takes too long and sometimes the zombies can actually climb up and swarm you
0:00 u missed something
Just jk
bros doing the dead rails genocide run (imagine if there was a secret uber-hard boss at the end) 💀
Genocide, Pacifist, No Train, k I don't even remember but dang the self harm
I know a strat where you stay overnight at an outpost and just take the dead zombies( a bunch of them ) and weld them to the train, its good fuel if you dont have money for coal.
Look at 7:46 blorpy you might kill the cowboy that going after u by turret but not the black horsey when u ran quickly to the train cause that Lightning night 🎉🎉🎉 now u need start over or make a short of the clip around that clip so i trust u 😂
I dare you to sell everything possible
I love you video blorpy❤
The intro if wild😭🙏🙏
Tip if your lightning rod is close to a horse it will kill it and if you get a werewolf moon go to the chimney bc the wolfs cant get you
now loot every item in the game, like this but with items
Just turned on my TV to see this banger at the front of my recommended page
3:20 that little dance reminds me on something
As you was asking 21:18 i realised as the miner class came to dead rails for the new update the owner said that there would be like a mine cabin u had seen the carts around it will be opened for new update
dead rails true hell mode: only looting weapons no selling things, no healing items, no horses, no staying overnight at a outpost gl this challenge will be challenging
u missied a horse ☠☠
23:51 Ayooo what is that werewolf doing to blorpy
Blorpy how do I win the game without killing ent zombies or other mobs thx
Idk why but I love his accent.
Love ur vids keep the work up❤
Idea: Only use tap to move. This means you can only use transportation that allows tap to move to control it.
Challenge: beat dead rails while only looting/buying/killing at night
I told Bax to do this challenge a few days ago, im glad someone else thought of the same idea and made a video for it, i called it the genocide challenge
You can find my comment under his “playing the best dead rails class” video i made the comment about 20 hours ago
Hey can you do a challenge where you have to attach every item to the train Rules: You can only put the item in fuel twice. Items that you are able to get in your inventory it dosent count. Enemies don't count. Have Fun :)
Bro must have been traumatized
Uhhh can you do looting all house no trace of item vidio i kinda like it😅
those poor horses at the start tho 😭😭
32:49 thx for Collabing
A challenge every time u stop at a house u need to have full fuel
Do a challenge where u dont have guns or other weapons Molatovs to and like other stuff but ur not allowed to use a train or horse and u can't sell anything or buy anything
That's impossible to do
molotov is for groups, holy water is for stronger enemies
I want you to do an all loot (take EVERY piece of junk, valuables, guns AND NO SKIPPING THE TURRETS IDC IF YOU CAN SELL THEM), NO survivors (if you can kill it, kill it) no gun, no train challenge. Gl :)
Challenge idea
Dead rails but you have to burn everything in the train
Everything? Thats impossible u can’t burn junk or valuables
@@JensenA-n2c so don't burn it
@@JensenA-n2c but say goodbye to unicorn
@@JensenA-n2c if not flammable, not allowed to use it
But what if they take a alive horse do I burn it still
pacifist now genocide, deltarune tomorrow 🗣️
Lol he ahould
36:45 he left 1
it a white 1
I think if they add a genocide chalange like this they would put a kill counter on your screen and tell u to kill like 700 npcs or 1000 npc something like that?
Imagine the dev added "Genocide" challenge