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Nov 4, 2017 11:36 PM

Jan 2016
After a cat massacre we have a beautiful scene where Mina and Matthew part with Chise. The OST is pretty good too.
Really love this episode~
Nov 4, 2017 11:54 PM

Sep 2016
Lelouch0202 said:
Great episode again.

Really like how Chise refuted all the claims made by the duo who captured her simple because Elias was the first person who valued and accepted her.

Truly a tragic story for Matthew and Mina, truly a shame that nice people like them ended up where they were simply because one sorcerer decided to use their case an experiment especially since he knew that Matthew would goto any lengths to save his wife.

The purification scene was beautifully done and the insert song was lovely.
Next episode should be another interesting one.
same thoughts exactly no wonder people don't trust those sorcerers ironic, and ahh man tragic story their topped off with such a voluptuous ending
Facta Non Verba
Nov 5, 2017 12:07 AM

Jul 2016
terrifying solution to sickness, rip cats, matthew and mira

gj for adapting this arc, beautiful animation and sounds, that dandelion scene was dazzling

finally his cameo >.< more despair will come

looking forward for the next episodes about faeries
Nov 5, 2017 12:19 AM

Apr 2014
How does this get censored less than Juuni Taisen lol.
But yeah cool ep, just worried it's getting a bit episodic.
Nov 5, 2017 1:50 AM

Jul 2014
Brilliant episode, definitely the best of the five so far. I had some concerns about how the flashback would play out, but I was relieved to swiftly see that I was worrying for no real reason, with that sequenced being executed brilliantly: considering what he did, I wasn't expecting to feel anything but hatred for Matthew, but instead I just felt sorry for him and Mina after that sorcerer basically used them as experimental pawns. It was also nice to see Chise come up with a happy solution for everyone involved, rather than having them be erased at the cost of the King's life.
Nov 5, 2017 3:27 AM

Nov 2010
I love every minute of this episode. I tear up a bit when the Cat King wanna be the guide and said that she have good memories of her beloved owner because I have a similar looking cat (just different color and shorter tail) that died just few days after she suddenly sick last July. The scene at the flower field make me cried. The scene and song at the flower field was so beautiful. Next episode will be interesting and one of my favorite chapter in the manga too.
Nov 5, 2017 3:34 AM

Feb 2014
The brutalness of this episode was almost off the scales. Poor Matthew got tricked into killing the cats, blindly believing that it would help cure Mina's sick health. In the end, it killed her. No wonder he snapped just before Tim killed him off.

Chise was very impressive too, not only because she shook off the duo that caught her last episode, but also for being able to send Mina and Matthew off without seeing Molly use her ninth and final life to guide the two. At least this way, Molly's owner won't end up sad and upset if Molly did use her ninth life up.


TehSnawn said:
That cat scene was very terrifying to watch. The sound effects of the hacking and slashing sent shivers down my spine. On top of that, the soundtrack made that scene 10x more grim. As an avid cat lover, this is easily the most disturbing scene I've seen in quite a while.

I can relate to you as well. I have 5 cats living at my family home and they're as affectionate to us as we are to them. In other words, we all love each other. Still, even though Matthew got tricked by the douchebag sorcerer, seeing him chopping up and kill multiple cats, hang their corpses on the ceiling of the shed, while having more cats, locked up in kennels, awaiting their sudden end made it difficult for me to watch without shed a few tears. D=

All in all, I really liked the episode and although the resolution wasn't groundbreaking, it was executed really well and the song used near the end was powerful and emotional. =)
Nov 5, 2017 4:13 AM

Jun 2017
Wow, I was not expecting to have so many different emotions in 30 mins. Amazing, as expected.
Nov 5, 2017 4:46 AM

Dec 2015
I loved that ending, was really worried that Chise would once again play a part in more deaths but something beautiful unfolded.
Nov 5, 2017 5:09 AM

May 2012
This episode seems better than other ones. Best episode so far

But I still think the anime is overrated. I hope future episodes are as good as this one or better
Nov 5, 2017 5:44 AM

Jun 2016
Ugh. This episode is so sad and yet so beautiful fucking Wit Studio is doing their great job at adapting/animating this show. Ugh. Ugh.

Glad the OP and ED are finally available on iTunes, now I can play it as many times as I want. <3

Chise will never leave Elias, maaan. Damn you, two sorcerers! *evil laugh* When Elias licked Chise's wound I squealed so loud. Ohmygod. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Whoever the fuck is that asshole of a sorcerer, I want Elias to kill him slowly. Jesus. I was so pissed off when Mina drank that "potion" then she freaking dissolved, then there's Matthew who lost his mind because of that asshole. Ugh. I wanna kill that sorcerer. They're all assholes! (I might regret this because there might a good sorcerer in this show. I HOPE THERE'S AT LEAST ONE!) Apparently, Mina's cat, Tim, used to be the King of the cats and he's the one who killed Matthew.

But glad Chise, Elias, King, and Ariel are there and they're finally saved. Matthew and Mina reunited, and they passed on happily. That scene in that some kind of flower farm is so beautiful and so saaaaaad. This anime is so beautiful. So many feels. ;-;

I have questions, though:

1. What did Ariel do exactly? Did she bring them to some place better than where the King is gonna bring them? And where exactly is King gonna bring them?

2. How did Matthew and Mina became that black whatchamacallit? Did that asshole of a sorcerer turned them into that THING? Or was it Tim?

Omfg. I saw a gorgeous lady and I'm not okay. So gorgeous. Holy shit. Please be a good character. Please be a good character. Please be a good character.

Very good episode. WAAAAH. 5/5. <3

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 5, 2017 6:19 AM

Oct 2013
The 2 episode Ulthar arc was well done. It even drifted into the horror of the material it was inspired by. The forest shed scene was an excellent way to present a horror sequence - no need to explicitly show gore, show minimal things like blood running across the floor, Mathew's ax rising and falling, the cats in the cages snarling - the minds of the audience fills in the blanks. A classic technique.

Nov 5, 2017 7:05 AM

May 2016
TheDoggoneGirl said:

I have questions, though:

1. What did Ariel do exactly? Did she bring them to some place better than where the King is gonna bring them? And where exactly is King gonna bring them?

2. How did Matthew and Mina became that black whatchamacallit? Did that asshole of a sorcerer turned them into that THING? Or was it Tim?

1. From what Mina said about the cycle of souls, I guess it works the same way as the circle of life

Plants live, get eaten by animals, animals die, become fertilizer for plants, and plants get eaten again. Ariel also says that as the pact that the soil and wind have. The king was probably leading them to the same place, though through the cost of her life.

2. It was because of a curse that bore on the lives of the cats. I don't know what exactly that curse was, I wasn't able to pay attention to it much. And since Mina drank the potion, she lost her form, and voila, she became the corruption.
Nov 5, 2017 7:21 AM
Oct 2007
A dark and very beautiful episode but in no way I was close to shedding my tears at any point of time. Still 5/5
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Nov 5, 2017 7:22 AM
Apr 2017
At the end, I was waiting for Matthew to pull out a "It was enough."
Nov 5, 2017 7:48 AM
Apr 2016
As it has to be! There was an insane agent of chaos behind all this, still corrupting the earth to this age... a true antagonist to this story. That was quite soon.
Nov 5, 2017 7:57 AM

Oct 2017
thebrentinator24 said:
I think I saw people theorizing last week that the cat killer that they mentioned in the previous episode could be Matthew, and it looks like those people were right. That was disturbing to watch, but I'm glad Tim was there to take care of him before he could do more damage. That sorcerer is fucked up for putting Matthew and Mina in that situation in the first place, and as an experiment too. I wonder what role he'll play later in the story as I'm sure we haven't seen the last of him.

On a brighter note though, that ending scene was beautifully animated, and brought a bit of happiness in a grim episode.

Mouloxas said:
Btw, who is the VA for the sorcerer? I feel like i have heard the voice before.

I believe it's Ayumu Murase, he voices the MC of Haikyuu and is currently voicing the MC of Shoukoku no Altair.

The culprit is obvious, but didn't know there's an interference from an evil Magician.

Also I didn't know his wife is the first to turn into that black blob, which shocks me.
Really disturbing scene, for the drinking part and blob part..

And then we see Mattew literally broke inside and becomes insane...

EP5 finally makes the series more interesting to watch.
Nov 5, 2017 8:45 AM
Sep 2009
Ahh Mina was so beautiful!
Nov 5, 2017 9:20 AM

Jun 2015
Most probably the blandest episode so far. The cat killer was pretty much foreshadowed already, and yet the narrative completely delved into that. Nothing much added to Chise-Elias relationship either; besides what we already know, all over again (well, I guess you have that curious lick).

That to say that the main story around the cats was pretty underwhelming, all to be left with basically the same cliffhanger as last week.
Nov 5, 2017 9:30 AM
Dec 2016
I need the Nemophila Menziesii field (Blue flowers) song to live.

Does anyone know what it is?
Nov 5, 2017 9:34 AM
Nov 2016
So, not the plot hook I was hoping for but still a darn good episode.

The feelings of Mina and Matthew were portrayed very well. I would like to know more about the bad guys.

The art was on point as usual with KyoAni...
Nov 5, 2017 10:02 AM

Nov 2011
So far, it is confirming itself as one of the best anime series of this fall season of 2017. The episode was all I expected, sweet, dramatic and useful for the main storyline. Pleasant comic parts, I'm looking forward to next week.
Nov 5, 2017 10:47 AM

May 2013
Second time this anime has made me cry, and we're only on episode 5. This is definitely a powerful one <3
落下のように、いつも落ちる。いつか救われることができるのかな? または落ち続けるでしょうか?永遠に
Nov 5, 2017 10:48 AM
Dec 2011
I've been reading the comments on here and I keep thinking to myself "Are we really going to ignore the fact that Matthew is an insane lunatic?"

I get that he really loves Mina and would do anything for her. I get that he was tricked by the sorcerer. However, he killed cats knowing that Mina liked them and would probably not be happy seeing them get killed. And what happens when she finds out?


Maybe I'm a bit biased here, what with my username and all, but if I were in Mina's position and I reunited with Matthew, I'd tell him to go fuck himself.
Nov 5, 2017 11:12 AM

Jun 2016
CyberkineticFox said:
TheDoggoneGirl said:

I have questions, though:

1. What did Ariel do exactly? Did she bring them to some place better than where the King is gonna bring them? And where exactly is King gonna bring them?

2. How did Matthew and Mina became that black whatchamacallit? Did that asshole of a sorcerer turned them into that THING? Or was it Tim?

1. From what Mina said about the cycle of souls, I guess it works the same way as the circle of life

Plants live, get eaten by animals, animals die, become fertilizer for plants, and plants get eaten again. Ariel also says that as the pact that the soil and wind have. The king was probably leading them to the same place, though through the cost of her life.

2. It was because of a curse that bore on the lives of the cats. I don't know what exactly that curse was, I wasn't able to pay attention to it much. And since Mina drank the potion, she lost her form, and voila, she became the corruption.

Whoa. Thanks so much for answering my queries. You pretty much cleared everything up. I really appreciate it. :)

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 5, 2017 11:43 AM
Nov 2013
Fantastic. Studio Wit is doing such a great job on this.

Nov 5, 2017 11:53 AM

Jun 2016
So i had read the first volume of the manga after watching the ova and episode 1. and it kept me hyped for episode 2-4.
Now ive read up to volume 3, So me having knowledge of how episode 5 played out beforehand, for the very first time has managed to slightly lessen the episode's impact for me. It was still on par with the same quality each episode has shown so far, so im not dissappointed or anything. I am still excited to keep on watching.
It is just that overall i wasn't as enthralled by this episode as the others. I still give it a 7.5 or maybe 8/10 as ive given the first four 9s and 10s because they kept blowing me away.
I still love the way they are taking this approach to world building by making Chise grow and building up her character while introducing this world. But not in the usual "projection character" way, because Chise is slowly gaining a personality.
Im so interested about where its ultimately going to go.

i may or may not buy volume 4 before letting the show catch up.
But still this show is proving to continue to be my favorite of the season.
OneArmedBanditNov 5, 2017 11:58 AM
Nov 5, 2017 12:11 PM

Sep 2011
God, how I hated that Matthew, from the first second on I saw his face I knew he was up to no good. Who can kill cats like they're "ingredients"? Something's real wrong with his head. Poor girl had to become a test subject for that sorcerer.
Nov 5, 2017 1:39 PM
Jan 2011
Who else cried???😭😭😭
Nov 5, 2017 1:44 PM

Nov 2016
Quite the tragic story and really messed up :/

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 5, 2017 1:56 PM

Mar 2015
cuteorange said:
Who else cried???😭😭😭

I didnt cry watching anime in a long time, but man, this episode hit me. Such a sad episode, with every single aspect beautifully executed.
Nov 5, 2017 2:01 PM
Jan 2011
MaggiPower said:
cuteorange said:
Who else cried???😭😭😭

I didnt cry watching anime in a long time, but man, this episode hit me. Such a sad episode, with every single aspect beautifully executed.
MaggiPower said:
cuteorange said:
Who else cried???😭😭😭

I didnt cry watching anime in a long time, but man, this episode hit me. Such a sad episode, with every single aspect beautifully executed.

True true 😢 esp the last part
Nov 5, 2017 2:42 PM

Dec 2014
Go to tranquility ma boys, you can rest easy now. Sigh
Nov 5, 2017 3:32 PM

Oct 2014
the first half of this was so messed up the poor cats and mina omg :(

i cried, this was such a beautiful episode the ending really tugged at my heartstrings
LunoireNov 5, 2017 3:40 PM
Nov 5, 2017 4:34 PM

Jun 2017
G_Spark233 said:
Matthew went crazy too quickly but overall another strong episode.

It was implied with the mice that quite some time had passed when Mina found him. He had to round up all those poor cats after all.

TheCatlover192 said:
I've been reading the comments on here and I keep thinking to myself "Are we really going to ignore the fact that Matthew is an insane lunatic?"

I get that he really loves Mina and would do anything for her. I get that he was tricked by the sorcerer. However, he killed cats knowing that Mina liked them and would probably not be happy seeing them get killed. And what happens when she finds out?


Maybe I'm a bit biased here, what with my username and all, but if I were in Mina's position and I reunited with Matthew, I'd tell him to go fuck himself.

He was already insane by that time, of course he didn't bat an eye. Even Mina arrives to that conclusion after the first real spooky look but the anime left that out for some reason.
Nov 5, 2017 5:00 PM
Jul 2018
the anime is for 13 years... i mean its my opinion but it hink after the 5th ep. it should be changed to 17 .. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nov 5, 2017 6:03 PM

May 2015
So Sleigh Beggies are highly sought after because of the vast amount of power they possess...

The sorcerer was a he?

Matthew must have really cracked. There is one thing that kind of irked me though. I might have missed it. I might have not...but...did Matthew ever ask Mina if she wanted to be saved from her illness? And of course I guessed what would happen if the medicine failed. Mina wasn't saved? Kill more cats! And seriously, that is a lot of cats. Must have the reproduction rate of rabbits in that world...

Chise talks about herself dying....So now the question is, who is going to die first: Elias or Chise?
TarotistNov 14, 2017 5:58 AM
Nov 5, 2017 6:15 PM

Nov 2007
TheDoggoneGirl said:
Please be a good character. Please be a good character. Please be a good character.

By good character, do you mean a good human being or an interesting character? If you meant the former, then no, she isn't.

Good episode. When I read the manga, it was too much for me. Good thing that I was well prepared for this episode. Btw, I am already missing Silky.

Also, when I read these few chapters I had no idea that [Alice would become such a good friend with Chise later on in the story. I just didn't see it in her despite of this being a shounen manga].

I really want to know how far they are gonna animate. With the current pacing and following the chapter order, I am assuming half the season will be taken just to introduce some recurring characters from the manga.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Nov 5, 2017 6:53 PM

Feb 2008
Now folks, this is how you animate and adapt a manga/novel. Every scene and interactions are full of feeling and charged with emotion and you don't get annoyed at needless stretched out scenes because there aren't any.

next episode is going to be a lot of fun.
Nov 5, 2017 7:17 PM

Aug 2016
Only the fact of think that remains 19 episodes fills me with happiness, every scene of this anime is recording in my memory. I'm very happy when I watch this work on the screen... the reason? is simple, it reminds me why I love so much the anime.


A long story that maybe becomes one of my favorites.
Nov 5, 2017 9:40 PM

Jan 2017
Damn that was like Nina x Alexander fucked
Nov 5, 2017 10:15 PM

Nov 2013
Renfred is such a douchebag. "I'll save you regardless of if you actually want or need to be saved". Not to mention, that being "saved" from Elias, wouldn't improve her situation. Quite the opposite in fact.

That wizard from the past sure was a sick bastard. How he tricked Matthew was really vile. Fortunately, Chise was able to save them.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Nov 6, 2017 3:25 AM

Feb 2014
taggerung2552 said:
Damn that was like Nina x Alexander fucked

Nina x Alexander?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Nov 6, 2017 4:00 AM

Jun 2016
shanimebib said:
TheDoggoneGirl said:
Please be a good character. Please be a good character. Please be a good character.

By good character, do you mean a good human being or an interesting character? If you meant the former, then no, she isn't.

Wow. Thanks for spoiling me. Wow.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 6, 2017 4:27 AM
Oct 2017
Another beautiful episode.

Matthew did nothing wrong! He only want to save mina! That damn sorcerer!

The last scene before credit make me want to watch violet evergarden (lol)
Nov 6, 2017 5:32 AM

Apr 2017
I hate it when I see a person doing such cruelty to my cats. I consider it as my favorite animal pets and far more better than dogs. Let me go back to the real thing. This episode was adapted perfectly even though some other people said that it had flaws when it comes to animation. For me, it was beautiful. I am so glad Chise is starting to develop her character and valuing her life even more. My eyes got in tears when I saw Matthew and Mina cherishing each other happily around beautiful flowers. The insert song was heartwhelming, I am still feeling it until now. I am pretty happy that this show is getting better and I hope we will get another well-made episode on the future.
jrry_knNov 6, 2017 5:38 AM
Nov 6, 2017 6:38 AM

Oct 2013
ThatCynicalOtaku said:
I finally understand what's been irking me about this anime.
Everything (aside from some of the fantasy elements) is completely conventional: the art, the character designs, their personalities, the stories. It feels like the creator took a basic formula from classic fantasy children's books, and just followed it to the tea.
Which is especially disappointing for someone like me who's watched so many unconventional anime.

Yep that's what I think, it's pretty but bland.
Nov 6, 2017 7:08 AM
Jul 2018
dc22 said:
ThatCynicalOtaku said:
I finally understand what's been irking me about this anime.
Everything (aside from some of the fantasy elements) is completely conventional: the art, the character designs, their personalities, the stories. It feels like the creator took a basic formula from classic fantasy children's books, and just followed it to the tea.
Which is especially disappointing for someone like me who's watched so many unconventional anime.

Yep that's what I think, it's pretty but bland.

No, I wouldn't say "bland" or "generic".
The Ancient Magus's Bride feels like the writer came up with all these insanely awesome ideas, but the publishers told them to water it down to the cool fantasy elements, to be more conventional.
Nov 6, 2017 7:27 AM

Jan 2017
taggerung2552 said:
Damn that was like Nina x Alexander fucked

Nina x Alexander?[/quot

From Full Netal Alchemist. The girl gets fused with her dog.
Nov 6, 2017 7:45 AM

Oct 2014
This episode was so beautiful and sad, but it still bothers me the slow time reaction Elias has whenever Chise is in some kind of situation. Also, can anyone explain to me why some things in this anime resemble FMA so much??!!! I’ve been getting FMA vibes for a while now.

How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

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